Does Summit Health Pharmacy take my insurance and will insurance cover my compounded medication?
We do take most insurance plans here at Summit Health Pharmacy. Some insurances pay for compounds. There are always exceptions. Just as some insurance companies don’t cover regular prescriptions, some insurance companies don’t cover compounds either. Sometimes it takes extra work to get a medication covered. We will work with your insurance company to get your medication covered, if possible. If it can be covered, we will get it done. We do the work. We strive to keep the burden off of our patients and providers.
How do I get my prescription (Regular or Compound medication)?
We have three ways to get your prescription to you. We will drive your prescription to your home if you are in our local driving distance. We can ship your prescription via UPS to any of the states in which we are licensed if your insurance plan allows . At this time, we are licensed in AZ, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN, IA, ME, MD, MN, NE, NJ, NM, NY, OH, PA, SD, VA, WV, and WY. We add to this list of states periodically so feel free to inquire if we ship to your state. Or you may pick up your prescription at our pharmacy. We are open Monday through Friday from 8:30am-7:00pm, and Saturday from 9:00am-3:00pm. We are closed on Sundays and all major holidays.
Can I return my medication?
State and Federal laws prevent the return of any prescription medication, and that includes compounded medication. If you have an expressed need or reason or an issue with your medication and we feel it should be out of your hands, we will take your medication back to be disposed of properly. We also have a Certified Medication Disposal Unit on-site in our pharmacy for your convenience if you would like to dispose of any unwanted, unused or expired medications safely.
Can I speak to a pharmacist about my medication at any time?
We have 8 licensed Pharmacists on staff here at Summit Health Pharmacy. Yes you can speak to one of our Pharmacists at any time about your medication during our hours of operation. Additionally, if you have an urgent need for a Pharmacist to speak to about a medication you received from us after our pharmacy is closed, we have a Pharmacist on call after hours so you can reach one of us if needed. That number is 1-866-872-5430 Option#8
Can I get all of my prescriptions(regular and compounded) filled at Summit Health Pharmacy and delivered?
Yes, you can have all of your prescriptions filled here at Summit Health Pharmacy. We provide Retail Pharmacy and Compounding Pharmacy medications. We will deliver all medication to you.